The Golden Wood: Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit graphics


See also: Bilbo & Elrond | Bilbo & Frodo | Bilbo & Gollum | Ringbearers

Martin Freeman
Bilbo No. 4: In a hole in the ground...

No. 4: In a hole in the ground...

Standard Display:
1280x1024 | 1024x768
1366x768 | 1280x800

Bilbo No. 3: The Hobbit

No. 3: The Hobbit

Standard Display:
1280x1024 | 1024x768
1440x900 | 1280x800

Ian Holm
Bilbo No. 2: What has it got in its pocketses

No. 2: What has it got in its pocketses

Standard Display:

Bilbo Baggins No. 1

No. 1: Bilbo Baggins

Standard Display:

Sister site: White Arrows of Lorien My Elrond Site: Shadows of Twilight My Other Wallpapers: Mirrored Dreams My Site Collective: Well of Stars